Friday, January 6, 2012


It became real last night when I put the suitcases on the guest bed and looked at the mountain of books that will accompany me to San Francisco.  I have wanted to do advanced studies for a long time, but never felt the time was right - or that I was ready.  Seminary (back in the 80's) was one of the most exciting and challenging times of my life, but I tried to accomplish so much in so little time that I never had the chance to be steeped in the experience.  I was imprisoned in chronos (as one can be at 25) and ran from task to task.  Now I long for kairos.  Now the time is right.

I am most grateful to my congregation for blessing this journey, and for asking to join me as I open my heart and mind to the DMin experience.  This blog is for them, and for other friends who wish to journey with me.  For about five years I will be engaged in intensive learning and discovery, and like ripples in a pond, my community in Boise will be touched by this experience.  They have encouraged me to learn and come home with new ideas and inspiration for our shared journey - and to rest a bit while away.  I wrap their good wishes around me as I step into the unknown.

I begin this adventure with three areas of interest:  How can we at Boise First connect with the many people who call themselves "spiritual" but not religions?  How can I, as the Spiritual Leader of Boise First, provide wise spiritual guidance to my congregation (both to individuals and the congregation as a whole)?  And since my ministry of 28 years has been primarily with wounded and conflicted congregations, are there corporate spiritual practices that can be identified/developed to assist the healing journey of congregations?

But all these questions pale in the light of the bigger question:  Can I learn to see through the Eyes of the Weaver?

I will write again once I am settled in San Francisco.
A Blessed Epiphany to all!
With love,

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