Monday, April 16, 2012

WWTSD Indeed!

Humor is best when unexpected.  And needed.  And never underestimate the power of silly.  After a consistent eight hours of what I will politely call an "interesting" day, I found myself driving home at the height of rush hour, or, if we are going to use a more accurate description, amateur hour.  I have had the experience of leaving LA at 5 pm for my commute back to Bakersfield, so I know that driving here is nothing like the sheer drama of California road warrior driving.  But today, I ended my "interesting" day with a commute home that kept a legion of guardian angels busy as people tried to turn downtown Boise, the connector, I 84 and Meridian road into a commercial for a demolition derby.  The first three or four near misses invited me to get in touch with my inner road rage (and, perhaps, some pent up frustration from my day).  But by close call number five, there was a surreal humor to the experience. 

And then I saw the window decal.  Of all the cars on the road, I pulled up behind a little nondescript four door sedan that had the window decal of the day in the back window.  Usually bumper stickers or window decals raise my blood pressure to frightening heights and "invite" me to pull up next to large trucks and explain why I don't want to stick a gun in that particular place, or offer some insight into the history of the US Constitution.  I actually try to avoid reading bumper stickers because no good ever comes from it...

...except today.  As I hit the horn to introduce myself to the person changing lanes into my left front corner panel, I looked up and saw it - WWTSD.

And I laughed.  I laughed so hard that I'm sure the people in the queue of cars around me must have thought I was having some sort of breakdown or seizure.  And, no, lest you think I've gone over to the dark side, this particular decal didn't mean "what would Tony Soprano do" - I know this because the symbol on the decal was not organized crime related, nor did it appeal to the dark side.  Instead, it took me back to Britain and a favorite crazy, silly, stress-relieving television show that had no redeeming social value but could be outrageously funny - belly laugh kind of funny.  More than once at the end of a stress-packed workday I would tune into this show and channel my inner road warrior (an unresolved aspect of a childhood spent around race cars) and let my lead foot feel at home.  Granted, this show would never be confused with Masterpiece Theatre, but it was damn therapeutic.

I can't help but feel that The Stig would be pleased...

Did you laugh today - I mean really laugh today?  Laughter is such a great stress reliever and perspective provider.  It brings the gift of release, and balance, and humility...

...and just in case you need a laugh,  Top Gear is on BBC America.  You haven't lived until you see the Great Race to the North Pole, or the hockey game using cars on ice as the hockey players, or the car-boat challenge...

Grateful for the gift of silly on a not-so-funny day,

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