Sunday, April 29, 2012


So many experiences caught my attention today - freezing me fully in the moment and allowing me to savor the experience.  They included:

- the first observed hot air balloon lifting up near the foothills as I drove to work early this morning
- candid and heartfelt sharing during first worship
- the "buzz" during worship at 10 am - it was magical!
- watching members of Cantate enraptured by the Tintinnabulators (visiting children's vocal choir and home adult bell choir)
- and a congregation enraptured by the sound of Cantate (previously mentioned children's vocal choir)
- Cantate members deeply touched by the experience of worship - by a different kind of worship
- the sound of silence (sweet!)
- finding out that members of the youth group listen to my sermons
- an incredible time with the youth group, and a reminder of an aspect of ministry that I deeply miss
(coordinating the educational ministry of a church)
- listening to the youth share, dream, enquire about my well-being, problem solve - all reminders that
we are in good hands with the future leaders of this world
- the fragrance of Lily of the Valley from the garden - heaven!

There were rough spots today as well as blessings - some very hard moments.  In fact, there are two choices that will not go down as victories, but fall under the heading of "begin again."  But by the end of the day they seemed to balance out, so I'm ready to call it good.  I probably would have reached the same decision had things not balanced out - I seem to be a "cup half full" kind of person.

Balance - how do we find the balance between celebrating the blessings yet acknowledging the difficulties...the pain?  And when our choices are not consistent with our intentions and values, how do we forgive ourselves and begin again?  How do we allow mercy and grace to replace judgment in a healthy and holy way?

One moment of grace and self-compassion at a time...

Slowly walking the talk,

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