Wednesday, April 18, 2012


According to my health journal, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote "The saints are sinners who kept on going."  To that end, it is Day 8 of making lifestyle changes that will support the healing of my heart and soul.  Results?

Mixed.  My ego would prefer to write that all is sweetness and light, but tomorrow's journal quotation is "We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves,"  attributed to Eric Hoffer.  With that in mind, I'll stick with mixed.

Change is difficult, especially changing a course that is so well-established.  Once well-worn ruts become the familiar path, it is ever so hard to shift direction.

But there is good news in a mixed outcome - some things are indeed going very well.  Others, however, are in need of additional work.  And support.  And prayer.  And patience, which is perhaps the hardest reality to accept. 

And that leads me back to the truth-love (grace)-time equation.  It is going to take time.

I am thinking of focusing on one area and getting it firmly set before adding the next change (instead of trying to juggle multiple changes all at once.  I'll let you know how that strategy works...because I imagine that you might also be struggling with change.

I have discovered that it is ok to be afraid in the face of major change.  Pretending to be brave doesn't help.  It is far better to face the fear and move through it than to spend time and energy denying that the fear exists. 

May God grant us strength as we face our fears, and embrace the healthy change brought into our lives by the Spirit.

One step at a time,

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