Sunday, July 1, 2012

After the fire... Veriditas!

The American West is on fire, and the images are heartbreaking.  Every region of America has some weather/climate/natural feature that provokes fear, and here in Idaho it isn't hurricanes or earthquakes (unless you live in Challis, and then earthquakes are not off the radar).  Here it is fire.

This weekend I was up in Stanley preaching at the Sawtooth Meditation Chapel - a once a year gig that I thoroughly love.  Truth be told, I could stand up there and read the phone book for the sermon, because immediately behind me is a wall of windows that looks out at a breathtaking vista of the Sawtooths.  God has already done all the heavy lifting for Sunday worship - I just give a nudge or two and then try to get out of the way.

Stanley is my second favorite place in all of creation, and I savor every opportunity to head to the hills.  As much as I love all places of natural beauty, I love the mountains most of all.  It is there that God's voice is clearest and brightest - and easiest for me to hear.  I am a mountain lass, through and through.

The drive up Highway 55 to The Banks Lowman Highway to ID 21 to Stanley is beautiful beyond words (except in bad weather, when it can be a wee bit dicey).  But we had bright sunshine both going and coming back, and I was the passenger not the driver, so I could drink in the beauty.  There are spots along the drive that are marred by fire - whole hillsides burned through, with the charred remains of dead trees a painful reminder of what once was.  In the past I've felt great sorrow when looking at those silent witnesses to tragedy - I've felt my heart sink and saw the scene as anything but beautiful.  But today I noticed something different...

...I saw all the green that surrounded those dead trees.  Bright, life-infused growth flourished all along those hillsides.  New young pines, lots of ground cover - a transformation of what was once a scene of utter devastation into a vista of new life.

Hildegard of Bingen spoke of a similar spiritual phenomenon which she called - Veriditas - the greening power of God.  After the fire, there is new life.  This reality does not take away the tragedy faced by all whose dreams are charred by the fires, but it does provide hope that new life can emerge from even the deepest, darkest pile of ashes and soot.

Such a beautiful lesson in hope, taught today by the wisdom of God's creation.

May we remember all those who stand in the ashes of their dreams, and face the devastation of the fires of life.  May we cradle them in our hearts, and help them to survive the fires.  May we remember those brave souls who give their time, energy and risk their lives to fight the fires of life - running towards the pain and danger in the hope of bringing aid and assistance.  They are the angels who help Veriditas to emerge.

Come, Veriditas, Come!

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