Saturday, November 30, 2013

Grounded in "Yes!"

I started preparing on Friday (Thursday felt too early).  I gave my prayer space a gentle clean, and put away the signs of previous seasons.  I took out my Advent devotionals and wreath, placing four fresh candles in this simple circle of metal.  Each year I look at more elaborate Advent wreaths and think about "upgrading" (my original Advent wreath fell to bits about a decade ago).  But in the end, simplicity wins out.  I also take out important visuals for the season - icons of St. Nicholas, Our Lady of the Sign, and John the Baptism, and a beloved print by Victoria Shuck entitled "Yes!"

"Yes!"  I look at this print depicting Mary saying yes to God's invitation - one that brought a mixed bag of possibilities from beginning to end.  Along with the unspeakable joy of new life and union with God came social judgment and isolation, fear, displacement - but to all of this and more she said "Yes!"  And God walked with her through the darkness into the light.

Tonight I waited until it was dark, and went up into my prayer space to light the first candle of Advent, letting the light slowly fill the darkened room.  I lit my first Advent candle when I was fifteen - my family thought I was crazy going into my room to light the candles and say my prayers.  I have maintained this ritual for almost forty years - no matter where lived, no matter what my circumstances, in good times and bad I have lit the Advent candles, sang the first verse of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," and prayed for the strength to say "Yes!"

I love this ritual - it grounds me and centers me, and immediately takes me back to what is most important.  I think we humans are hardwired for ritual, and completely dispense with it at our peril.  It can provide a powerful way for our soul to speak - to say "Yes!"

What rituals will you observe during this Season of Advent that will help to ground you in the Real, and keep you from being swept up in the "silly season?"

May you have a blessed beginning to your Advent Journey -

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