Sunday, January 1, 2017

Traveling to Bethlehem

I have fond holiday memories of helping my Grandmother set up her mother's creche (nativity set) on her mother's sewing cabinet.  Although Great Grandma's creche was lost in the confusion of Grandma's final years of life,  I can still set up my beloved creche on her mother's sewing cabinet - an old family tradition continued.

I remember being at Grandma's house and having to get up on a chair in order to set each piece where it was meant to go.  I loved hearing the story of that first night in Bethlehem and the birth of baby Jesus.  In my imagination I would ponder what it might be like to be present for that first Christmas night.  As a teen I longed to travel to the actual city of Bethlehem and pray at the spot where Jesus was born.  That dream was abandoned many years ago but the longing to go to Bethlehem revisits me each year as Christmas approaches.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I was spending the end of Advent and Christmas Eve in Bethlehem!

I first noticed my relocation on the Tuesday before Christmas.  I was visiting with a beloved member of this congregation when suddenly a choir of angels began to sing - filling that cold winter's day with warmth and love (and tears)!  I immediately recognized Bethlehem in their songs of love.  Then I thought back to the recent weeks and saw Mary and Joseph in the loving parents and grandparents who were nurturing our young ones - and in the little ones I saw the Christ child so clearly!  So many kind people step up to be helpful before Christmas - shepherds one and all!  On Christmas Eve the Magi visited us in the form of Jewish and Muslim neighbors who assisted in our nursery so our youngest ones were cared for on Christmas Eve.  As the electric lights dimmed and candlelight spread throughout the darkened church, I knew I was standing on sacred ground - the holy place where Christ was born...

...because Christ is born anew in each tender act of love and mercy.  And when we participate in them or witness them - we are in Bethlehem!  

I do not believe that traveling to Bethlehem need be limited to the time surrounding Christmas.  I have a hunch - and a hope - that each act of love and mercy will take us there.  Even now I feel the cold of the night warmed by the breath of the animals while a wee baby sleeps in their feed trough.  A bright star lights up the night sky - may we navigate by its light as we become God's peacemakers in this crazy and wonderful world.  And may we heed the voices of the angels who tell us to be not afraid!  

Let's go share some good tidings of great joy - God is with us - each and all of us!

A very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year,

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