Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Flap Less - Glide More

A month has passed, and I'm back at the Monastery for a few days.  The drive up was wet, but thank goodness it is raining (the hills look so brown for May)!  David Crosby kept me company for the drive (the post-jail, clean and sober Crosby - I celebrate all people who are able to turn their life around and continue being creative)!  I'm staying in a room I've never been in before, which gives me a slightly different view of the Camas Prairie.  I brought a stack of books with me, plan to keep the daily yoga going as well as (knees permitting) a daily walk to the grotto.  Plus chapel 3x/day.  And a nap.  And good visits with the Sisters.  It is good to be here.

I'm now almost a month into what I half-jokingly call the Romans 5: 1-5 Program.  Although I am no where near the hope part (yet), I get the occasional whiff of its signature fragrance, which causes me to breathe deeply, and center.  And endure.  And heal.  It is a slow process.  But it is proceeding, and that is a blessing.  God is good...

...and so are swifts (not the weaving kind - which are also good - but the flying kind - which are amazing).  From my window here at the Spirit Center I watch a variety of different birds as they flap and flutter.  Today my favorite is the swifts - they may flap, but they also have the whole "glide thing" figured out.  I have spent this afternoon and evening delighted by their aerial gliding choreography - such grace, beauty and whimsy.

Clearly we are meant to flap less, and glide more.

Working the program,

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