It was the most spectacular full moon I've seen in a long time, and if I hadn't been driving to the Elks Rehab Hospital before 7 am, I would have missed it. I completely forgot my aching joints as I pulled over to the side of the road and watched the moon slip closer and closer to the horizon. It had a beautiful aura, and the clear sky still dotted with stars was a sight to see. I took a deep breath and offered thanks for the pre-dawn beauty. Then I was on my way, with a smile in my heart.
The best part of the gift of the moon was that it was totally unexpected - I assure you that as I dragged my sorry self out of bed this morning, the last thing on my mind was enjoying the beauty of God's created world. In fact, I would be embarrassed to report what I was thinking as I coaxed my joints into motion so I could get to the pool before the sun came up. But there it was - the most beautiful moon ever, just pleading to be enjoyed. And my whole day shifted into a much better space for having spent time savoring it.
I carried the moon around with me today as a moved between the tedious and the sublime - with, I'm afraid, the tedious winning the award for quantity. And in those moments when I was ready to slip under the waters of frustration and despair, I held onto the moon, and it keep me afloat and breathing deeply in the fresh air of grace.
What brought you joy today - what or who was a lifeline when the "stuff" of the day started to pile on top of you and push you under? How did you experience God reaching out to you and holding you up? For me, it was the beauty of God's creation, and in the wisdom and laughter of a friend who could laugh with me as I told the story of how hard it is for me to pronounce the word "no." What was your experience of God's grace today? And how did you bring God's grace to someone else?
Prayer - by Kathy Galloway, the Iona Community (from Earth Gospel, by Sam Hamilton-Poore)
The sky does it simply, naturally
day by day by day.
The sun does it joyfully,
like someone in love,
like a runner on the starting-line.
The sky, the sun,
they just can't help themselves.
No loud voices, no grand speeches,
but everyone sees, and is happy with them.
Make us like that, Lord,
so that our faith is not in our words but in our lives,
not in what we say but in who we are,
passing on your love like an infectious laugh:
not worried, not threatening, just shining
like the sun, like a starry night,
like a lamp on a stand,
light for life -
your light for our lives.
With love and prayers,
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