Tuesday, February 21, 2012

God likes pancakes, I'm sure...

I saw an amazing, beautiful sight tonight - a rare sight not often seen.  It made me smile one of those soul smiles and take one of those deep breaths that pulls every bit of tension up from the toes and sends it on its way.  And the best part of it was I wasn't expecting to see this, or to be so deeply touched by it.  I wasn't in any of the places where I usually have those "ah ha" moments - like out in nature, or in silent meditation.

This time I was overcome with beauty as I stood in the church kitchen quietly leaning against the counter and watching the Junior Youth Group make pancakes for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.  It was a scene of chaotic beauty as arms and spatulas and batter and pancakes all came together around the griddle.  Despite all the chaos that one would expect in such a scene, the act of flipping the pancakes was very serious business.  And given the number of people who came back for seconds, thirds and fourths of the pancakes, our youth clearly hit a home run with their creation.

My first few years here the pancake supper was sparsely attended - one year one table was enough to seat those who came.  This year the dining room was comfortably full of people and the sound of laughter and conversation.  I would visit with folks, and then find time to just appreciate the scene.  It was truly a holy moment - just as holy as any moment we've had in the sanctuary. 

The youth even seemed to enjoy the clean up afterwards (of course the spray attachment by the dishwasher was part of the attraction...).  I left feeling uplifted and sensing that the season of Epiphany was drawing to a close with God revealing one last personal detail:

Clearly God likes pancakes, I'm absolutely sure of it!

For junior high youth, laughter, bowls full of batter and the ever-so-careful flipping of pancakes...for old and young together around the tables laughing and telling stories, and adults in the kitchen to provide assistance and guidance (yet letting the youth have fun)...for all these blessings and more I give my heartfelt thanks.  Food lovingly prepared and shared and the water spraying around the dishwasher - sacramental elements shared in an atmosphere of joy. 

What a perfect way to end the Season of Epiphany, and prepare to begin Lent.

God surprises me with joy when I least expect it.  May you find joyful surprises awaiting you as you continue on the way...

Blessings for the journey,

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