They say it may snow on Saturday - a return of winter after the almost 50 degree days of late. Of course, it wasn't supposed to snow on Wednesday, and I walked outside into the surprise of a world glistening with ice and a dusting of snow.
The lightest coating of ice on the trees made them glisten in the sunlight that filtered through the clouds. It was beautiful to behold, and maybe more beauty awaits us on Saturday.
But to be honest, there is beauty every day. I sit outside for five minutes and it finds me, no matter where I am. This must be a migration time for birds, because I'm seeing winged friends I've never met before. The Lilies of the Valley in the front garden are starting to poke up through the ground. I almost missed much of the beauty around me today because I was busy thinking of other things. What a relief that God was able to distract me from my lesser concerns so I could drink in a greater beauty.
I end this work week thankful for life's many blessings, saddened about the pain and conflict that continues to erupt in our world, and ready for another try at keeping the Sabbath. May the next day or two bring about some deep peace and re-connection with the One who woke the pips in the front garden and invited them back to life. May you make time to see the beauty all around you, and allow it to refresh your soul.
Prayer - from Earth Gospel, by Sam Hamilton-Poore
Grant me grace this day
to rest and remember
that there is nothing I have to do,
nothing I have to buy or sell,
nothing I have to produce or consume
in order to become who I already am:
your beloved creation.
May your overworked creation
and those who cannot rest today
come to know the liberation of your sabbath.
I will write again on Sunday. Until then -
Deep peace to you,
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