Hope breaks through when you least expect it. A conversation with a dear friend taught me about the South Dakota Conference UCC taking the bold stand to address a great injustice by releasing its claim to the land of the American Indian churches in the Conference. They are giving the land back to the congregations - a legal nightmare, but a moral victory. Great things are happening in South Dakota (of all places)! It almost makes me want to take a road trip for my study leave week...
It pays to be patient. To give things time. To resist the temptation to believe that when things are difficult and bleak that they will always be that way. To trust that God's grace is still operating and vibrant even when invisible.
Even in South Dakota. Have you been to South Dakota? I always thought of South Dakota as the back of beyond plus 500 miles, but amazing things are happening there - it is the cusp of transformative opportunities. And if it is happening in South Dakota, it can happen anywhere.
Like here. A woman attended church today who was raised on a Reservation in (wait for it ... ) South Dakota. It is American Indian Ministry Sunday, and my sermon celebrated this wonderful news from South Dakota, and included acknowledging the cruel injustice perpetrated on the Native Peoples by the American government and the churches. Today was the day she came to visit, and to hear words she had never heard before - a white church acknowledged the depth of its sin against the Native Peoples, and celebrated new stirrings of justice. She had a powerful healing experience today, and we had the opportunity to participate in a moment of grace that is beyond my comprehension. Not only is God busy in South Dakota, but grace is breaking through right here -
- even here in Boise. Even during "buy a truck, get a gun" month. God's grace just keeps breaking through!
What is God doing in your world?
With deep gratitude,
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