Saturday, September 7, 2013

Flow like water...

It is time to say goodbye to Clear Creek and Golden.  I took my walk early today, as it is Farmer's Market day,  which makes the path very busy.  Dragonflies met me as I left the hotel, and beckoned me on my journey.

I didn't come here specifically looking for lessons, but I'm learning that an open heart notices and welcomes lessons whenever they come.  The past has been on my mind (since I am visiting a place that is historically important to me).  As I sat at the first bench watching the water flow over the rocks, I though about how fluid time is - the past with its regrets and nostalgia (which is a powerful drug), and the future with its fears and opportunities.  It is so easy to focus attention on both ends of the time spectrum, missing the only time that actually exists - now.  Reflecting on the past is good when it allows insights to surface that bring healing and wiser living - as long as the reflection doesn't become an exercise in self abuse.  These few days have involved no small amount of reflecting on past choices and their consequences.  Understanding those choices and compassionately forgiving myself has been a very healing step.

I watched the water flow over the rocks.  It comes over the first set of rocks with great force and purpose, and most of the water continues straight downstream.  But not all of the water makes it free the first few times, as the position of other rocks causes some of the water to circle back to re-enter the momentum of the forward movement again...and again...and again...and again...

...I smiled as I watched this cycle repeat itself countless times.   I guess I'm not the only part of creation that needs some practice before catching the momentum to make it downstream!  Smiles and laughter, and compassion, replaced the negative self-talk that runs on a feedback loop in my head.  Flow like water - you will get there in time.  If you circle back, another opportunity will be there to move forward.  Flow like water...

I remembered my quarter so I could feed my chicken friends one last time and wish them a happy chicken day.  I gazed up at the "M"  on Lookout Mountain and decided that this time "M" stood for magnificent - which life truly is.  I looked over at the front range, back at the mesas and Castle Rock, and headed back to the hotel for one last breakfast on the terrace overlooking the creek.  Flow like water...

The strength and stability of the mountains...the fluidity of the water...the dance of the dragonflies.  How blest I am to be in school with such good teachers.

Time to head up to the high country, and perhaps more lessons in life in the Spirit.

With love and joy,

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