Monday, March 4, 2013


My guardian angels were on active duty today as I drove up the 95 to Cottonwood, Idaho, and a Lenten Retreat with the Sisters of St. Gertrude.  Each mile driven took me deeper into the signs of spring and new life, from the adorable lambies at Thompson Ranch and the sweet calvies grazing on the hillsides, to the bald eagle that flew across my path somewhere between New Meadows and Riggins  - and the ancient willow shimmering in that new coat of  yellow/green.  By the time I arrived here I was completely enchanted by what I had seen - creation works her magic yet again!  I was probably the most distracted driver on the road today, and it had nothing to do with technology or mind-altering substances.  I saw my first bald eagle in flight - incredible!

I settled into my room by pulling the rocker in front of the window so I could savor the view.  A visit with my spiritual director reminded me of the importance of rest, prayer, and play (they have an art/play room now - with a sandbox)!!!!!  Studies show that this combination of deep relaxation, inspiration and recreation (read: play) sparks creativity as it refreshes the soul.  We'll see - right now I'm less worried about outcomes and instead focused on being present, aware and awake for this sacred time with God.

The word for this retreat is kindness - I've been invited to show deep kindness to myself.

After dinner tonight I sat in front of the window and watched a herd of deer cross the meadow as the stars appeared.  It is a crisp, clear night, and I found myself being beckoned with a few words of encouragement to my knee, I bundled up, grabbed two canes, and hobbled out to the hillside.  As I looked up at the Milky Way and listened to the deep call of an owl, the only words I could say were glory...

...and amen.

May you know the renewing power of the natural world - and may you see abundant signs of spring!

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Kim,

    I have been to St. Gertrude's, although not to engage in a spiritual retreat but on behalf of the Idaho Education Association during my career.

    It is a beautiful place where one can give oneself to contemplation and rejuvenation.

    - Terry Gilbert
