It has been an extremely challenging day - on all fronts. Bill had to get my crutches out of the car so I could get around the house, and my heart monitor has gone off so many times this evening that it will need a new battery before morning (I am now willing to concede that there is a connection between the frequency of heart arrhythmias and stress). New drama exploded on the work front, and I am feeling very, very tired.
There is a white pillowcase on top of the pile of laundry waiting to be folded. I thought of waving it in the air like a combination of a Tibetan prayer flag and a flag of surrender - just to let God know that I had had enough STUFF for one day, thank you very much.
But God didn't cause my knee to pack in, nor is God short-circuiting my heart - or testing the chaos theory at work. Instead, God has lovingly reached out to me in a variety of beautiful ways today. Encouraging emails from friends...a wonderful conversation with my spiritual director that was like a balm to my hurting heart...regular serenades by my bird friends, who have taken to letting me sing with them (my neighbors probably think I'm barking mad, but some mornings, when the red-winged troubadours are in full song, I slip out onto the deck, sit in the rocking chair, and quietly start singing my favorite prayer song: "A song arises out of the earth; A singing, a welcome, a joyfulness.)" Singing together is such a trip!
All of this is to say that by many indicators it has been a perfectly dreadful day, and yet there have also been blessings and moments of grace.
It is never all bad (just as it is never all good). Life is always a mixture of both, even when the scale seems tipped in one direction.
What kind of day did you have today? Can you name both the good and the bad - the blessings and the challenges? Can you offer thanks for what they taught you? (Like me, do you ever long for a day without lessons)? Roll on recess - I'd love for school to be "out" for awhile.
Still smiling,
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